New Shoes

He peered through the ICU window into the patient's room.  The patient was his grandfather, whom he endearingly called "Pa" since he was able to talk.  Life support was being removed after two years of enduring ALS, the complications delivering their final blow.  

Initially, he did not desire to stand at Pa's side as we removed the final apparatus.  However, love had its way, and he was compelled by it to take part in a final farewell as angels attended.  Deep emotion escaped with a tear, and I watched as my son stepped into new shoes.

Consider the shoes you've grown out of and the shoes you've grown into as God has allowed you experiences of both pleasure and pain. With each pair of shoes, we can chose to become a more integrated, enriched pilgrim on this journey through life.  Sharing from the heart of personal experience, with authenticity, genuineness and transparency, is one of the greatest gifts you can give another.

 New shoes can be stiff and awkward, becoming more comfortable with time.  And that's just about when God will place  before you, new shoes to step into.