Yogurt for Better Bones & Body

Yogurt can be great for your body if it isn't loaded with sugar, artificial sweeteners and a host of other non-food ingredients.  I typically choose a Greek Yogurt, organic if possible and raw would be even better.  So now that you have this plain, unsweetened yogurt, what do you do with it to make it appealing?  

Breakfast and Snack Ideas:

I choose to sweeten it with honey because honey is alkalizing.  I add chopped almonds, pumpkin seeds, or sunflower seeds for texture along with my choice of fruits.  Alkalizing fruits include: raisins, dried dates, strawberries, raspberries, peaches, pomegranate, apricots, blackberries and bananas. There are many other healthy choices but they aren't all alkalizing.  Walnuts are an acidifying power house of great nutrients  and can be added as well, just remember to try to make 80% of your food choices from the alkalizing category.

 Main Dish Ideas:

 Use plain yogurt in place of gravy or rich sauces and top your potatoes (with the peel) or other veggies (hot or cold) including your salad.  You can also add the following to your yogurt:

 Dill Weed

Caraway Seed

Celery Seed


Cucumber, seeded


Lemon or Lime juice


Chili Pepper


Sea Salt

Any herb of your choice - they're all alkalizing

 For a fuller bodied topping, you can add oil to the yogurt.  Alkalizing choices include olive, avocado, almond, coconut, sesame and safflower.  Flax seed oil is another exceptional choice, it just happens to be acidifying.

We make a Greek tasting dip using yogurt, seeded cucumber, dill weed, garlic and sea salt.  Pulse together in your food processor and use as a dip or dressing.  I like to add loads of fresh veggies to it and make it into a main dish on hot days. No measuring necessary - let your taste buds determine your recipe.

Dessert Idea:

 Slice a banana and top with yogurt which has been laced with honey, cinnamon, and chopped almonds. You've got an alkalizing bone building fruit, sweetener, spice and nut.