Posts tagged Prevention
Many Scary Things, One Sensible Plan, Part Three Skip the Sugar and Wage War

The latest media scare has to do with the measles which may have caused you to forget about Ebola, the Swine flu, the Avian Flu and on it goes.  Again I want to remind you to not allow fear to make your choices and I give you permission to remain calm and rational.  In part one of this series, you learned that your skin was your first line of defense, your gut your second line of defense.  Consider your third line of defense what you actually put or don't put into your body.  

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Many Scary Things - One Sensible Plan - Part One

Though the nightly news tempts you to quake with alarm, as you listen to reports of a potential pandemic, do not react in fear, making rash purchases and decisions. Allowing fear to make your decisions is to allow yourself to be manipulated.  Regardless of the name of the newest flu strain, virus or bacteria, one sensible plan still remains.  Make your body an inhospitable host to germs and viruses.  Flies don’t cause garbage, they’re attracted to it.  This holds true for your body as well.   Bacteria and viruses live in biological terrain that is unhealthy.  Be proactive rather than reactive, with several affordable, common sense solutions to be shared in the next few posts.

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