Skip the Sugar Sugar affects your white blood cell count, thus affecting your immune system. Depending on which study you’ve read and how it was conducted, a relatively small amount of sugar can affect the efficiency of your white blood cells anywhere from 40% - 92%. One source stated that a small amount of sugar suppresses the immune system for four hours while another stated up to six hours. Certainly not a chance I want to take considering I could bump into a virus or bacteria just after consuming a small amount of sugar. No one wants to go to war without a weapon and sugar disarms us against the enemy.
Read MoreStress isn’t going to go away. It’s a part of life and to ask you to eliminate stress is to ask you to move to the moon. How you CHOOSE to RESPOND to the stress, is within your realm of control. For today, consider 3 quick stress management keys:
Read MoreWhen a diverticulitis attack hits, celery is your best friend. Consuming an entire pascal of organic celery has repeatedly offered clients relief. Affordable and easily incorporated into many recipes, it should be eaten frequently if not every day.
Read MoreThe latest media scare has to do with the measles which may have caused you to forget about Ebola, the Swine flu, the Avian Flu and on it goes. Again I want to remind you to not allow fear to make your choices and I give you permission to remain calm and rational. In part one of this series, you learned that your skin was your first line of defense, your gut your second line of defense. Consider your third line of defense what you actually put or don't put into your body.
Read MoreBroccoli, an alkalizing food, high in calcium, containing compounds for fighting cancer, and an amazing food overall. This easy, oven roasted recipe can also be used with brussel sprouts, cauliflower, carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, egg plant and even cabbage quarters.
Read MoreYogurt can be great for your body if it isn't loaded with sugar, artificial sweeteners and a host of other non-food ingredients. I typically choose a Greek Yogurt, organic if possible and raw would be even better. So now that you have this plain, unsweetened yogurt, what do you do with it to make it appealing?
Read MoreIn building better bones and a better body, you want to incorporate as many ALKALIZING food sources of calcium as well as magnesium, zinc, boron, copper, silicon, manganese, Vitamin D, K, C, B complex as well as Omega 3's and COQ10. Today, let's focus on some of the highest alkalizing food sources of calcium:
Read MorePasteurization? It's good for us, right?
Here’s what pasteurization really does whether you’re talking about dairy, vinegars, eggs, kombucha or many other raw fermented foods :
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